Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra's rumoured romance has created quite a flutter on the net. The couple spent a week in India, and their photos were all over social media. After a short trip to Goa, they attended Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta's mehendi ceremony in Mumbai.
Nick even met Priyanka's mother, Madhu Chopra, and had dinner with her after the function.
Nick and Priyanka left India, the day before, and have now headed to Brazil. If reports are to be believed, Priyanka will accompany Nick to his concert at VillaMix festival.
Things seem to be moving fast between the couple. Nick seems to have made things Insta-official, when he shared a video of Priyanka walking towards him and laughing on his Instagram story. He captioned it "Her" along with a heart eyes emoji.
Earlier this month, Nick took Priyanka as his date to his cousin's wedding, where she met and bonded with the entire Jonas clan.
Buzz has it that Nick is absolutely head over heels in love with Priyanka and has even asked her to move in with him.
The lovebirds first set tongues wagging when they arrived at last year's Met Gala together, both dressed in Ralph Lauren creations
Nick even met Priyanka's mother, Madhu Chopra, and had dinner with her after the function.
Nick and Priyanka left India, the day before, and have now headed to Brazil. If reports are to be believed, Priyanka will accompany Nick to his concert at VillaMix festival.
Things seem to be moving fast between the couple. Nick seems to have made things Insta-official, when he shared a video of Priyanka walking towards him and laughing on his Instagram story. He captioned it "Her" along with a heart eyes emoji.
Earlier this month, Nick took Priyanka as his date to his cousin's wedding, where she met and bonded with the entire Jonas clan.
Buzz has it that Nick is absolutely head over heels in love with Priyanka and has even asked her to move in with him.
The lovebirds first set tongues wagging when they arrived at last year's Met Gala together, both dressed in Ralph Lauren creations