Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone have always been a sight for onlookers whenever they have made a public appearance together. Be it on talk shows, at movie promotions or on the silver screen, the duo has wowed us with their camaraderie. These two are the ones who have broken the stereotype around couples not being friends after break up. On Thursday, the Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani actors once again impressed their fans as they walked the ramp at Mijwan Fashion Show 2018.
Ranbir and Deepika turned showstopper for Bollywood’s much-loved fashion designer Manish Malhotra. The show was organised by veteran actor Shabana Azmi’s NGO Mijwan Welfare Society and also saw other B-Town celebrities including Waheeda Rahman, Asha Parekh, Nandita Das, Javed Akhtar, Huma Qureshi, Nushrat Bharucha, Yami Gautam, Mouni Roy and Kirti Kharbanda among others in attendance.
At the show, Ranbir and Deepika impressed all in their traditional outfits. As the duo graced the ramp, their fan pages on social media were flooded with several photos and videos of them. Seeing them back together after a long time, people could not stop themselves from showering praises on them. Speaking at the show, Ranbir emphasised on women empowerment as he said, “My mother always taught me that a man is as good as the respect he shows a woman. A man is as good as the space he gives his wife, daughter, sister, mother, to be whoever she wants to be. I am genuinely trying to be that man.”
Ranbir and Deepika turned showstopper for Bollywood’s much-loved fashion designer Manish Malhotra. The show was organised by veteran actor Shabana Azmi’s NGO Mijwan Welfare Society and also saw other B-Town celebrities including Waheeda Rahman, Asha Parekh, Nandita Das, Javed Akhtar, Huma Qureshi, Nushrat Bharucha, Yami Gautam, Mouni Roy and Kirti Kharbanda among others in attendance.
At the show, Ranbir and Deepika impressed all in their traditional outfits. As the duo graced the ramp, their fan pages on social media were flooded with several photos and videos of them. Seeing them back together after a long time, people could not stop themselves from showering praises on them. Speaking at the show, Ranbir emphasised on women empowerment as he said, “My mother always taught me that a man is as good as the respect he shows a woman. A man is as good as the space he gives his wife, daughter, sister, mother, to be whoever she wants to be. I am genuinely trying to be that man.”
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